Relationships, especially sexual ones, undoubtedly play a major role with regards to our mood and well being. It is not uncommon to find couples unhappy, over conscious and confused in bed, particularly because of their misconceptions or notions about sex.
Sex, a biological fact, is not much talked about in our societies. When a girl or boy lands up in teens with fascinations, curiosities and hormonal stimulation; he/she does not have much knowledge to bank upon and left with no choice but to consult other immature friends, search web or ask Internet pals. Here is the gist of 25 myths and facts about sex will help fade all confusions hovering since ages.
1. Women also ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
2. Simultaneous orgasms are a must for sexual satisfaction.
3. Only men have wet dreams.
4. Wet dreams are sexual disorders.
5. Venereal disease is cured if the man has sex with a virgin.
6. Frequent masturbation makes the penis shrink.
7. Special food and exercise will make the penis grow big.
8. Masturbation leads to nervous breakdown.
9. Vasectomy makes a man impotent.
10. Men have stronger sexual urges than women.
11. Anal sex is only practised by homosexuals.
12. A normal man should be able to get an erection whenever he wants it.
13. A man is not a male if he cannot get a penile erection.
14. Menopause puts an end to a women’s sex life.
15. Imparting sex education to youngsters will lead them to promiscuity.
16. A woman should orgasm with intercourse alone.
17. A woman must bleed when she has sex for the first time.
18. Sex during menstruation is unhygienic and unsafe.
19. A girl cannot get pregnant the first time she has sexual intercourse.
20. A female cannot get pregnant while she is breastfeeding.
21. There is an absolutely “safe” period for sexual intercourse during which intercourse cannot cause pregnancy.
22. Having a male withdraw his penis from a female’s vagina before he ejaculates or “comes” (coition) is a good way to prevent pregnancy.
23. You’re a homosexual if you’ve had sex with, or even had a “sexy” dream about, someone of the same sex.