Your first teenage date, alone with a boy can make your nervous, but if you follow these simple hints you will be well on your way to having a successful first date.
Seeing that you finally agreed to going out and give this seemingly interested guy a chance, you will want to master dating etiquette. If you said “yes” to his request for a date, there must be something interesting about him, so get it right the first time.
Here goes a few tips to carry for that first date that will calm your nerves and help to leave a lasting impression;
1. Be yourself. This lays a necessary foundation for honesty. After being in so many exhaustive dates and relationships being honest from the start is the first best decision you can make. It weeds out any fakes and leaves room for only those who can stick around for the storms that are your emotions and moods. So after saying yes, when he asks for your input on what time and where you’d like to go, don’t be shy, point out your favorite joint and negotiate from there. It may not be his favorite, but at least you can negotiate from there.
2. Regarding fashion, prepare well for the date. Pick out an outfit that you know looks good on you, something you can be comfortable in, but also doesn’t telegraph the wrong intentions. The right dress will help you to relax and be confident, while putting your best foot forward. You want him to focus on you the person, not you the sex symbol.
3. Be sure to inform your friends or family of his plans and where exactly you will be going. When you arrive, you might send a text message to a responsible friend or family member with your location. You may also want to carry with you some cash or a credit card in case the date goes awry. As long as you have money, you can hold on to your independence.
4. Much as we like to be fashionably late, be on time! Put his feelings first to show your respect, and then you can demand respect for yourself from him when you need it.
5. During the date, switch off your phone, or put it on silent and engage in conversation. Don’t make it about yourself, but ask questions and pay attention to responses while avoiding giving too much information in one dose. Be polite in your mannerism towards your date and the hosts. Avoid hot topics like politics that are bound to leave an unpleasant air and take it easy on the alcohol to avoid embarrassments.
6. Seeing that we live in a gender balanced world, when it comes to settling the bill, you can politely offer to do so, but if he says he will pay, kindly let him. Remember that he too may be nervous and letting him feel confident about himself may be just what he needs to make the date worthwhile for both of you.
7. When the date ends, chances are you’ll already have decided if you’d want to see him again. Don’t make it awkward for him and give him hints as you say your goodbyes. If he seems unsure and offers a handshake, take it and linger a while with his hand so he knows you enjoyed the company and are finding it hard to say goodbye. On the other hand, if you didn’t enjoy your time, it would be better if you let him down in a kind way rather than be rude. Make a stand quickly to avoid games and wasting both your precious time. Remember that it was just a date, and if his efforts didn’t make a lasting or good impression, then it is better to move on, although giving him a second chance won’t hurt.
In going for this first date with anyone that you fancy, remember to have fun. The first date may not be as great as you expected, but making an effort to put yourself out there really counts. Let your date know if you would like to see them again as soon as they make the follow up call and don’t give them a hard time.
So if you’re looking to make a lasting impression as well as have fun, try these five simple tips that will ensure you brush off on your dating game and find the one. All the best!!