

How to do Extreme Minimalist Living

Extreme minimalism is all the rage these days as we, as a society, are learning not to hoard materialistic possessions. This is a great thing that will eventually repay our debt to mother earth. Consumerism is a thorn in everyone’s side, whether they know it or don’t. To live like a minimalist, you should know what is useful and what isn’t. It’s more about cutting out unnecessary things rather than [...]

2021-09-03T14:38:06+00:00Lifestyle, Business, Education, Employment|

What Really Happens During a Recession?

Everywhere on the media we get news about the financial crisis and recession. It’s not a single country problem but most of the developed world is in a recession now. The situation has also been called “The Great Recession”. Some people are also using the term ‘depression’ but that is not what economists would use, not yet. Difference Between Recession and Depression What then is the difference between a recession [...]


How to Become a Billionaire

What does it take to become a billionaire? Are there any rags to riches stories there or did they inherit their wealth? Are there any similarities in the way people get rich so that a pattern could be detected and then replicated by others? Do you want to be a billionaire? You wouldn't be the only person in the world to be wishing this. Billionaires (the dollar billionaires) are seen [...]

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