by Athar Aamir Khan
Dear friends, I think for all of us life is something that we all relish, acknowledge and perhaps appreciate as well. Life as we know seems to have its own way of living. It hates monotony, and comes like a colourful dilemma, showing bursts of ups and downs, riches and rages, merry and worry and hyssop and hysteric. It often takes us just a moment to realise how every second of our lives relishes and screws us at the same time.
It seems difficult to understand why is it that we find no choice other than accepting life exactly the way it embraces us. Is it that we are really caught in the shackles of our own life or is it that we are only in the loquacity of some gab?
So, greater than life there is something else that we all are striving for and that is the life of choice. I don’t know about life of choice but I feel we definitely can think of choices in life. Our own perception and attitude often drives our senses in our choices.
Be it good or bad, we can acknowledge the possibilities in life and search for some merit in every new situation. Life itself is short; why not enjoy even diversions for the sake of some venture in life.
We need to accept that the grandiosities of today do not guarantee tomorrow’s success. It is just normal to react to unfavourable circumstances unfavourably. After all we are creatures of prejudices and have pre-conceived notions. Our greatest security itself lies in our insecurity.
It is very true that we always find our happiness and sadness buried in our desires but at the same time it is always in our hands to reshape our desires and make our lives self-satiated and the lives with choices.
Hope that we all break our own shackles and fly with the colours of life beyond all desires, means and ends.