

Top 3 World’s Most Expensive Beers

When you think of luxury beverages, beer might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Yet, there exists a world where hops and barley command prices that rival the finest champagnes. From brews made with Antarctic ice to those aged in space-traveled barrels, the craft beer scene has produced some truly extraordinary—and extraordinarily priced—beverages. […]


The BioLite CampStove – Can You Recharge Your Gadgets With Fire?

  Lovers of tech and gadgets, and outdoors-men like hikers and backpackers don’t often mix and match. The techies lament the lack of a power outlet deep in the woods, while most nature-loving campers dislike having too much tech at their disposal and are more inclined to play card games or board games when they’re bored. Enter the BioLite CampStove, a mildly successful attempt to merge the best of both [...]

2020-07-08T12:49:06+00:00Hobbies and DIY, Ecology, Food|

Healthy Foods That Help the Body Heal Faster

After a broken bone or something as simple as a burn or cut, the body needs time to heal. Skin regrown and cell regeneration can be stimulated by certain foods to help the body heal faster. Science has shown that foods that are high in vitamin C and zinc aid in this healing process. Vitamin C is a primary nutrient that is used in the process of healing anything simple [...]


A Cup Of Green Tea A Day Keeps Cholesterol At Bay

It is quite surprising really how many people are drinking green tea. Worldwide, this particular type of tea is consumed almost as much as water. Green tea was on American grocery shelves years after its initial purpose. First it began as an age long cure for ailments in the Asian culture for digestive conditions and to help stop bleeding. There is a reason that over through the ages, this tasty, [...]


Simple Tips for the Best Banana Pancakes

Pancakes are one of the easiest and quickest solutions to having a great breakfast. They are light, require little preparation and their resulting aroma can make any late riser wake up early to a magnificent breakfast spread.  If you have left over, almost over-ripe bananas, and are looking to spice up your signature pancakes, giving them a nutritional boost, here are a few simple tips for the best banana pancakes. [...]

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