After a broken bone or something as simple as a burn or cut, the body needs time to heal. Skin regrown and cell regeneration can be stimulated by certain foods to help the body heal faster. Science has shown that foods that are high in vitamin C and zinc aid in this healing process. Vitamin C is a primary nutrient that is used in the process of healing anything simple as a paper cut or something more significant such as major surgery or torn ligaments. Zinc is a mineral that boosts the immune system which directly influences the healing process. Some of these foods include meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.


Roast beefThere are many meat products that help the body heal faster because of the amount of zinc each contains. For example: Beef has the highest content of the zinc nutrient. Other leaner meats such as chicken and turkey have lower amounts of zinc, however, are still useful in boosting the immune system. A vegetarian can find similar results in protein packed foods such as peanut butter and almonds.


orangesVitamin C is a key nutrient found in many fruits that helps the body heal faster. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and even papayas and mangos have a higher content of vitamin C. Fruits such as strawberries and various other berries may have a low percentage of vitamin C but are no less beneficial in the fight for the body to heal faster.


sweet peppers 499076 960 72Strange-perhaps, however, even certain vegetables contain levels of vitamin C used in the bodies healing process. Many studies show that kelp has one of the highest rates of vitamin C. Peppers such as bell peppers, red peppers, and green peppers also contain large amounts of vitamin C. Other vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower have lower percentages of vitamin C, however, are still no less important. The key is to make sure vegetables are eaten regularly throughout the day to ensure optimal healing of the body.


nutsNuts naturally contain many nutrients and minerals, such as vitamin C and zinc, that aid the body’s healing process. Studies show that nuts have a high content of antioxidants which help strengthen the immune system. Nuts such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, and Brazil nuts are all great choices to aid in a speedy recovery. This is a great option for the on the go individual who may not have time to eat a balanced diet. Just a handle full of nuts a day can go along way.

Many foods such as meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts contain vital nutrients and minerals, such as vitamin C and zinc, which allow the body to heal. By boosting the immune system and speeding up the cell regeneration process, consuming a higher percentage of zinc and vitamin C help the body heal at a more rapid rate. The key is to make sure to follow specified dietary guidelines to ensure that the proper servings of each food group are eaten daily.