

100 Word Review ATM 2012

A murderous assailant traps three people (Alice Eve, Josh Peck, Brian Geraghty) in a small kiosk containing an automatic teller machine. […]


Chalk Removes Closet Dampness, Prevents Mold and Mildew

Chalk will absorb and neutralize the dampness inside the closet, preventing closet contents from being ruined by mold and mildew. Living near a body of water is a desirable location, but it also presents certain problems stemming from the damp air. Dampness in closets which leads to mold and mildew growth is one such problem. […]


The Internet and The End of The Minimum Wage

Job bidding sites like Zaarly, Mechanical Turk and Taskrabbit have circumvented minimum wage laws and helped to create a new underclass of the underemployed. It’s time authorities took notice. I am a Mechanical Turk. For a couple of cents, I will perform a mind-numbing, inaptly named “human intelligence task” a mind-boggling number of times, and at the end of the day I will have earned the minimum wage. In Bengladesh. [...]


Being Single and Happy, Is It Possible?

Is it possible to be single and happy? There are so many myths about being single all over the internet and elsewhere that many tend to think that being single means being lonely, depressed or being a failure. But it is not so. In fact there are a lot of benefits or advantages of being single including cheaper living, freedom from responsibilities, job growth opportunities and lack of stress that [...]


Citarum My Veins, Let’s Seize Back

Citarum river flowing from the upper reaches of Mount puppet in the southern city of Bandung flows north and empties into the sea of ​​Java. Citarum drain region 12 administrative districts / cities. Citarum supply water for the livelihood needs of 28 million people, the river is a source of drinking water for communities in Jakarta, Jakarta, Karachi, Purwakarta, and Bandung. With a length of about 269 km flow through [...]


Four Steps to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are a thousand times more addictive than drugs. A four step proven approach to help get rid of negative thoughts is presented here. Using this technique you can get rid of negative thoughts and make yourself a happier person. Over time they become you so that you cannot distinguish a thought as being separate from you. […]



Racism stop it!   You hear that a lot don’t you? In schools, on TV even in your own house, but do any of you really understand the true meaning? Or is it just a word that keeps repeating in your head. I bet that most of the students here have made a racist remark or maybe did something that was racist in their life. You might have noticed it, [...]


8 Most Notable Unsuccessful Attempts to Kill Hitler

The 2008 Tom Cruise movie “Valkyrie” tells a story on how a military conspiratorial group led by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg planned to assassinate German dictator and fascist Adolf Hitler. This attempt was not the first plot to kill Hitler. According to National Geographic, there were 42 discovered plots to kill Hitler and none was successful. Here are some of the most notable plots. […]

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