

10 Top Websites for Brain Training

You have probably seen media reports about the emerging understanding of the benefits that mental exercise brings. Studies have shown that a routine of mental activities can increase your alertness, agility of thought and creativity. Your brain’s health is an important contributor to your quality of life as you age and there appears to be a correlation between your level of mental stimulation and your risk of dementia/Alzheimer’s in later [...]


White Supremacy in America: The Ku Klux Klan

Throughout its 150-year history, the KKK has managed to remain a violent, homegrown terrorist group whole sole purpose was terrorization of classes of people that scared them: African-Americans, Catholics, Jews and all immigrants.  They attempted to justify murder, kidnapping, and intimidation by claiming white supremacy. Their entire purpose was to propagate violence and intimidation among minorities, catholics and jews, and had no problem with expressing their ideas publicly. […]


Chinese Immigration Research Project

Who were the hardest workers on the Transcontinental Railroad? The Irish? The former slaves? No, it was the Chinese immigrants. Without Chinese Immigration, It would have taken many more years to complete. Although at first hated, Chinese immigrants grew to be respected by their many contributions to American society. The Chinese endured a hard voyage from China only to find backbreaking work. The immigrants started coming in the mid 1800’s [...]

2021-09-03T14:45:05+00:00History, Education|

Save Money on Power Tools: How to Buy Tools on a budget

One of the most exciting things for any handyman is buying new tools. But budget plays a big role in planning your perfect tool set. As much as we’d always like to go and buy the best quality tools, sometimes we can’t afford the best quality. Moreover, you don’t always need a professional level tools, especially if you are buying something that is going to be used infrequently. However, even [...]

2021-12-28T14:38:21+00:00Hobbies and DIY|

How to do Extreme Minimalist Living

Extreme minimalism is all the rage these days as we, as a society, are learning not to hoard materialistic possessions. This is a great thing that will eventually repay our debt to mother earth. Consumerism is a thorn in everyone’s side, whether they know it or don’t. To live like a minimalist, you should know what is useful and what isn’t. It’s more about cutting out unnecessary things rather than [...]

2021-09-03T14:38:06+00:00Lifestyle, Business, Education, Employment|

Brain Work-outs

In the past, researchers believed that our genes were the main determinants of brain development. Now an increasing number or studies shows that conditions in our surroundings can influence our internal brain plan during early life and in later years. Researchers say the evidence could not only initiate personal behavioral changes, but also could launch new behavioral therapies and medications that repair or expand the brain. If your physical activity [...]


The BioLite CampStove – Can You Recharge Your Gadgets With Fire?

  Lovers of tech and gadgets, and outdoors-men like hikers and backpackers don’t often mix and match. The techies lament the lack of a power outlet deep in the woods, while most nature-loving campers dislike having too much tech at their disposal and are more inclined to play card games or board games when they’re bored. Enter the BioLite CampStove, a mildly successful attempt to merge the best of both [...]

2020-07-08T12:49:06+00:00Hobbies and DIY, Ecology, Food|

Signs, Symbols & Synchronicity

Learning to look and interpret the signs that are all around us and inspire us in our everyday life. All around us are messages, hints and clues that help us reach every milestone along the path of life. If our role on planet earth is to evolve, to follow our own pathway to enlightenment then I believe we are given plenty of help along the way. This short article is [...]


Electric Scooters – Ultimate Ride for Commuting to Work

Commuting is an everyday activity everyone loves to hate. Squeezing your life away on a jam-packed train or a bus with too few seats, stuck behind the wheel in a traffic jam or having to switch between multiple forms of transport to get to your work place – not exactly a synonym of fun. No one likes to spend hours in a car each day moving at a snail’s pace, [...]


Qualities Employers Seek in Employees

When you are looking for a job or thinking of getting a promotion, it would help if you could see yourself from the employer point of view. All employers look for certain qualities or personal attributes in addition to the skills that you are required to possess for that particular job. These skill sets and attributes can be grouped into three: Personal skill sets and attributes Professional skill sets and [...]

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