Racism stop it!  

You hear that a lot don’t you? In schools, on TV even in your own house, but do any of you really understand the true meaning? Or is it just a word that keeps repeating in your head. I bet that most of the students here have made a racist remark or maybe did something that was racist in their life. You might have noticed it, but you did.

Racism what is it? What does it mean? Well, racism means attitudes practices and other factors that disadvantage people because of their skin race or ethnicity. Racism can be directed in any one of those suggestions.

Racism is sometimes very obvious, examples such as graffiti or physical violence can be seen easily. Racial and ethnic jokes are widely spread. For instance the other day when I had a pizza, some kid asked nicely if he could have a piece because he asked nicely I gave him a piece, then he’s like give me another piece, so I said no, lastly he said why are you being a Jew and left. That was criticizing and racist. The guy had no right to call me names, in fact he had no right to criticize the Jews. How are Jews mean? They give you stuff, they lend you stuff, only if your nice to them. Same goes to the other religions.

Racism exists at three main levels, which are institutional, cultural and individual racism. Institutional racism takes the form of the practices, customs, rules and standards of organizations including governments that disadvantage people because of their race, color, or ethnicity. An example of this is back in the day when Martin Luther King Jr. a black man stood up for his people because the American government were cheating the black people from sitting on the bus – the rules were if the seats on the bus were full any black person sitting on a seat has to automatically get off the seat and give it to a white person.

Cultural racism is the cultural values that disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. An example of this is a when a beautiful, women walks by a man thinks she’s also trustworthy. It shouldn’t be how a person looks like to know if their trustworthy, it should be their personality.

Lastly individual racism, an example of individual racism are the beliefs of racial stereotypes, meaning that people actually believe that some races are better than others and even the belief that people can be classified according to their race. Like if you see a black person, you would automatically think that they’re good at playing basketball, or about Asians people give them the stereotype of being smart, even geniuses. Lastly what about Arabs when somebody sees an Arab walking by they point them out as a terrorist.