

10 Lottery Winners Who Shared the Wealth

Most of us dream of winning the lottery some day. We automatically think of the nice things we will buy for ourselves – new house, car, etc – and of the relief it will be to finally pay our debts. Many of us also dream of being able to finally help out those people in society who really need our help – whether it is the poor, the elderly, or [...]



Racism stop it!   You hear that a lot don’t you? In schools, on TV even in your own house, but do any of you really understand the true meaning? Or is it just a word that keeps repeating in your head. I bet that most of the students here have made a racist remark or maybe did something that was racist in their life. You might have noticed it, [...]


White Supremacy in America: The Ku Klux Klan

Throughout its 150-year history, the KKK has managed to remain a violent, homegrown terrorist group whole sole purpose was terrorization of classes of people that scared them: African-Americans, Catholics, Jews and all immigrants.  They attempted to justify murder, kidnapping, and intimidation by claiming white supremacy. Their entire purpose was to propagate violence and intimidation among minorities, catholics and jews, and had no problem with expressing their ideas publicly. […]


Can Altruism Save Humans From Becoming Extinct?

In every human society, altruism, a selfless concern for the welfare of others, is considered a noble virtue. Being altruistic and helping others has great implications for the human race. As in the past, altruism will affect the very survival of the human race. As a species, can we choose to go the selfish Neanderthal way or the more altruistic Cro-Magnon way? In every human society, altruism, a selfless concern [...]


Saucy Seaside Postcards

A stay at a British holiday resort always involved a look at the postcard racks outside the shops that lined the seafront. As a young lad the scantily clad women on the cards were eye opening and as a slightly older young lad, the innuendos were well worth a titter behind the card rack. Of course you didn’t pick one of those to buy, not in front of mum and [...]


Do Cobras Carry Gems on Their Hoods?

The Judeo-Christian traditions see snakes as evil and cunning that seek to corrupt our souls – a result of a well-known antediluvian incident at Eden. I have also read something fascinating: the meaning of the Hebrew word for “serpent” matches the word “messiah”. Hindus worship the snakes, and snakes are an integral part of Indian culture. There are festivals during which snakes are worshipped, and there are temples for snakes [...]


Henrikas Daktaras: Mafia Lord of Lithuania

Dr. Henry (alias - Henytė) - one of the most famous criminals of all time in Lithuania, the Lithuanian media is often referred to as the criminal authority. Dr. Henry (alias - Henytė) - one of the most famous criminals of all time Lithuania, the Lithuanian media is often referred to as the criminal authority. Convicted twice. He alleged a number of crimes for extortion, bodily harm, murder. Anticipated that [...]

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