Much as sleep lovers are always associated with laziness, with quotes even from even the Bible that condemn it, sleep is an integral part of our healthy well-being. A good night’s sleep can help you develop a strong memory, reduced stress, a longer life, and even proper bodily waste removal along with general productivity.

As we grow, we find that we acquire different lifestyles and our sleep patterns change to accommodate our lives. Different age groups require different hours of sleep and failure to get a good night’s rest may result in life-threatening situations like dozing off while driving and causing a fatal accident.

It is a fact that it may not always be possible to get that much-desired shut eye, but everyone is advised to take off some time and have some extended snooze time, even if it’s only twice a week.

The following reasons should be enough to justify why you should covet your sleep without any guilt.

1. If you have ever snapped at your child, spouse or colleagues at work without good reason, then the remedy might be some few more hours in bed. With today’s economic demands and educational pressures, getting the right amount of sleep may be difficult. You can, however, choose to leave work on time and be home early, finish preparing the kids and sacrifice that favorite show for a few more hours of sleep. These added hours of rest will result in making sound judgments, becoming a problem solver, becoming more stable emotionally and reduce the risk of getting depressed.

2. Studies have shown that enough sleep has successfully reduced chances of getting obese and diabetes, contracting heart, liver and kidney problems, and promotes physical growth and development. Sleep is also responsible for fighting off body infection and diseases, as a well-rested body is more immune than a sleep deprived one.
3. Intelligence, concentration, and creativity are boosted by a sound mind that is well-rested. Many artistes across the board, be it in visual arts, musicians, song writers, authors, have been quoted as having come across the best ideas during their sojourn time. This is because the mind is better equipped to be more productive and retain information is it is well rested. Therefore, encouraging our kids to go to bed early and get sleeping might just be the missing link to get that college scholarship.

With these few reasons, anyone can now defend their record breaking sleep hours citing the rationale that a well-balanced lifestyle and sanity is based on a reliable sleep patterns. In fact, you can now hold on to the rationale that sleep is the basic foundation of a healthy body. You can now go ahead and have the pleasure to put the “do not disturb” sign at your bedroom door and catch you some Z’s.

For more information, please contact the Miami Shores Neurology and Sleep Institute in Miami Shores, Florida at 305-754-6240.