

Intriguing Echoes: Political Ideologies of Plato and Marx Compared

Laying the Groundwork This discourse will navigate the shared terrains and divergent paths in the political philosophies of Plato and Marx, shedding light on the subtle elements of communism embedded within the teachings of the Academy's founder, but also drawing attention to profound disparities. After all, Plato's "Republic" stands as one of the most intricately woven utopias of ancient philosophy. The Everlasting Riddle of the [...]

2023-07-03T13:12:39+00:00Philosophy, Politics|

Why was the Communist Manifesto so influential?

A specter haunts Europe - the specter of communism.  You've probably heard the beginning of the Communist Manifesto countless times, a work that is the ideological reading of many leftists. That work is also one of the most important political works of the 20th century because it influenced epochal changes in the world political scene a little more than a century ago. Let's take a look at the very [...]


Defend the Constitution: Help End Discrimination Against Non-Theists

When he was a kid, one of my best friends joined the Boy Scouts of America. He was a model Scout for the duration of his membership, but that membership was suddenly revoked after about six months—not for misconduct or failure to complete program requirements, but because his Scout Master saw that he identified himself as agnostic on his Myspace. Such discrimination against non-theists (people who don’t affirm the existence of [...]


Strong Cross Between Victor Hugo Morales and Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu

Strong cross between Victor Hugo Morales and Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu As part of a series of interviews with presidential candidates performed together at Radio Continental, Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu and Victor Hugo Morales had a strong cross over journalism. After a conversation about the media close to the government, Ruiz Guinazu suggested that the name of Victor Hugo’s program on Channel 9, Down-line, reflecting the relationship of the journalist with the [...]


Dicaprio, The First Who Owns a Fisker Karma | Fisker Karma Was Lauched

The first customer will take possession of model Fisker Karma is Leonardo DiCaprio. In addition, 3,000 clients have already ordered the car, and by early 2012, the company Fisker says it will honor all requests. Some say the waiting list is longer and other personalities such as Al Gore and Colin Powel.Currently, the Valmet factory in Finland produces five cars per week, but by November the rate will increase to [...]


How Can We Get Rid of Terrorism?

Terrorism is a major cause of fear, anxiety, and destruction all over the world, in countries like India, Pakistan, USA, UK, France, China, and Spain. How can we get rid of terrorism? Can anyone ever get used to terrorism? No, it is always a traumatic event for the people involved. A survey, funded by the National Center for Food Protection and Defense, conducted over the Internet by TNS-NFO 2005 among [...]


Unknown Facts About President Barrack Obama

President Barack Obama The 44th President of the United States is about as unknown to the average American as he can be; because he is not a life-long Washington politician. Most of his life has been spent as a private citizen and an educator. Next week, he travels to France to meet with President Nicolas Sarkozy and it turns out that they have something in common. Neither of [...]


What Does Labour Have to Lose From a Left Turn?

by James Kelly Why the British Labour Party abandoned its traditional socialist policies, and the lessons that can be applied to the party’s current predicament. When the British Labour Party abandoned much of its socialist ideology in the 1990s, it did so for one reason - the pursuit of popularity, and by extension the pursuit of power. It had been in opposition for almost two decades, lost four general elections [...]

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